Search results for COVID-19 indicators
COVID-19 indicators for older people - August 2020. ... COVID-19 indicators for older people - February 2021.
The initial indicators focus on tracking the desired outcomes identified under each of the key areas for action. ... A set of indicators have also been developed to track the impact of COVID-19 on older people.
COVID-19 indicators. New Zealanders of all ages were affected by increasing border restrictions and self-isolation requirements to limit the spread of COVID-19. ... This discrepancy was evident prior to COVID-19. Indicators of material hardship,
COVID-19 indicators for older people - August 2020. ... COVID-19 indicators for older people - February 2021.
The Better Later Life strategy will help to ensure we create opportunities for everybody to participate, contribute and be valued as we age.|The Better Later Life strategy will help to ensure we create opportunities for everybody to participate,
COVID-19 indicators for older people - November 2020. ... To track the impacts of COVID-19 on older people aged 65 years and over (65+) and older workers aged 50 years and over (50+) we are monitoring a small set
This document provides an update on the key indicators being used to track the impact of COVID-19 on older people.
This document provides an update on the key indicators being used to track the impact of COVID-19 on older people.
This document provides an update on the key indicators being used to track the impact of COVID-19 on older people.
COVID-19 has made significant changes to New Zealanders’ lives. We put together a set of seven indicators to understand its impact on older people. ... The indicators consider income adequacy, unemployment, benefit receipt, loneliness, elder abuse,